Managing User Roles

Adding A User Role

1. Click on the "Add Role" button in the top-right corner of the page.  This will cause the "Add Role" form to pop up.

Add Role


2. Under the "Details" tab, give this role a unique, descriptive name, then click on the "Pages" tab.

Add Role: Details


3. Under the "Pages" tab, add the pages that you want users with this role to be able to edit.  If you want the users to be able to maintain every page on the website, select "All Pages".  If you only want the users to be able to edit specific pages or sections, choose "Selected Pages".  A list of every page and category on the website will be displayed and you can select as many or as few as you need.

Add Role: Pages

If you have decided that users with this role should have access to pages, you will see some extra options appear.  "Add Pages" will allow users with this role the ability to add new pages to any "categories" that you have selected.  "Delete Pages" will grant users with this role the ability to delete any of the pages that you have given them access to.  "Publish Pages" will grant the ability to publish work to the live website.  Leaving this option blank will mean that any users assigned to this role must have their work approved by somebody with "publish" access before their work can go live to the website.

Add Role: Pages (Extras)


4. Under the "Posts" tab, add the blogs that you want users with this role to be able to maintain.  Users will be able to add and edit posts in the blogs you select.  Deleting and/or publishing posts requires further options (see below) to also be selected.

What is a blog? Think of a "blog" as a collection of short stories or articles (we call them "posts").  Each post in a blog generally has a similar topic.

Add Role: Posts

Depending on the option you choose, extra options may appear and allow you to grant further access to users with this role.  The last option, "Add/Edit/Delete Blogs" (only visible if you selected "All Blogs"), will allow users with this role to manage blogs; however, this ability is not currently available and will instead be released in a future version of Blueprint.

Add Role: Posts (Extras)


5. Under the "Events" tab, add the event categories that you want users with this role to be able to maintain.  Users will be able to add, edit, delete and publish events in the categories you select.

Add Role: Events

If you have chosen "All Categories", the option to "Add/Edit/Delete Categories" will be displayed; however, the ability to manage event categories is not currently available and will instead be released in a future version of Blueprint.

6. When you're ready to create the role, click the green "Add Role" button.

alt text

You will now be able to assign users to this role when editing or adding users.